HomeTopicsNational rules for operation in the Czech Republic

National rules for operation in the Czech Republic

A list of national requirements which are specific to the Czech railway system is posted on the ERA website. It is an overview of the SRD national safety rules that are binding on railway undertakings (the Single Rule Database) and of the National Technical Rules (NTR) that must be fulfilled by railway vehicles running on Czech lines.

Newly authorised vehicles, the manufacturers or owners of which want them to run on the railways of multiple EU member states, must meet the requirements of the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs), a sort of uniform cookbook of the minimum equipment and safety requirements for vehicles within the European Union. Nevertheless, there may be certain specifics of the national railway networks of the individual member states that differ from the general TSIs. An analogical situation can be observed regarding the national safety rules to be followed by railway undertakings.

The national rules must be approved by the European Union Agency for Railways. Individual countries subsequently require that these specifics, which are beyond the scope of the TSIs, be met by applicants for authorisation for placing in service of vehicles and by railway undertakings. The SRD and RDD/NTR databases also contain the rules of the Czech Rail Authority.

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