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Vehicle registration

European vehicle register (EVR)

As of 16 June 2024 at the latest, Member States must use a centralised registration function for railway vehicles operating on the European Community network (in the Czech Republic, national and regional railways), i.e. the European Vehicle Register (EVR).

All vehicles from the National Vehicle Register are now searchable in the EVR.

The idea behind the EVR is that all registration data for all railway vehicles operating on the European Community network will newly be stored in a single pan-European register, which is the EVR. All EU Member States are gradually switching to the use of the EVR, with the Czech Republic switching to the EVR as of 16 June 2024.

Each eligible user can apply for access to the EVR directly on the EVR website using the assigned European Organisation Code (OCR), which can be obtained here.

The current List of Member States which have already started using the EVR is also available on the EVR website. The registration data of vehicles registered in these countries can thus no longer be retrieved via the EC VVR environment, but must be searched exclusively in the EVR.

Fees for registration

Fees for registration in the European Vehicle Register are paid to the DÚ account maintained at the Czech National Bank No. 3711-33129011/0710.

For foreign payments: IBAN CZ54 0710 0037 1100 3312 9011 / BIC CNBACZPP

Note: SEPA payments must always be sent in CZK, because otherwise, due to the changing exchange rate, it is not guaranteed that the amount will arrive exactly in the amount specified by Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on administrative fees.

Instructions for the correct creation of a variable symbol are given in the methodical instruction. 👇

Guidance for vehicle registration

Guidelines for using EVR in English

The European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles (ERATV)

The official existence of a vehicle type is a prerequisite for the registration, technical alterations to or new authorisations of vehicles operating on the European Community network. The ERATV is a comprehensive pan-European register of authorised vehicle types.